How to Respond to Nosey Relatives This Holiday Season


You arrive at your aunt’s house for the holiday party, yet again without a partner, a second degree, or an amazing career. Although you’re happy and content with where you are in life, somehow family members still find a way every holiday season to make you feel like despite your successes, you should be further along […]

Why Busyness May Actually Be Hindering You


Sometimes it just feels like we’re moving on autopilot. We’re moving so fast through our daily responsibilities, commitments and projects that we barely even take time to take a deep breath. But why would we? There’s so much to be done. If you’re like me, you have a never ending to do list. You have things […]

Warning: Avoid The Mistake I Made This Election Season

election season

I’m ashamed. So ashamed, I contemplated if I should even share this. It’s embarrassing. I don’t know what happened. I checked if I was registered to vote, and it said I was ready to go. I was so eager to exercise my right to vote that the week early voting opened in Texas, I headed […]