Why You Should Ignore Naysayers & Follow Your Gut


So, tell me… Have you ever been so excited and nervous about something at the same time that you just had to tell someone else about your amazing idea, only to hear them respond with comments that make you wonder why you’re even on this earth, leading you to question your whole entire life and […]

4 Questions to Ask Yourself if You’re Not Sure if You Should Quit Your Job

Not sure if you should quit your job

Should you invest more time into your current position and continue with your company? Or, should you spend the weekend brushing up your resume so you can start your job hunt for something better? This a question a reader recently asked me, and it’s one that leaves many others stagnant in their careers. When you’re […]

How to Get Through a Bad Day (And What Not to Do!)

I have bad days too. I have days when I don’t know what the heck to say… What the heck to do… Or, what the heck I’m even doing… No one, no matter how successful, no matter how eloquently spoken, no matter how brave, no matter how smart, no matter how lucky, no matter how […]